The following steps outline a general approach to completion of the templates. College/division planners will have to make reasonable assumptions concerning the impact of decisions e.g., in assigning costs particularly for regular full time staff the normal hiring rate for salaries should be used (benefits rates are pre-programmed in the worksheets). All assumptions used should be documented in the notes added to the worksheet. More detailed instructions for actual input into the templates will be presented separately in a series of training sessions with College/division administrative officers. Those instructions however address how to input numbers into the templates not what numbers to input. The following are the major basic sequence of steps that planners should use in preparing these templates.
Step 1: Enter the “base” column
The numbers (dollars and FTES) for this column are obtainable from the FRS (Financial Reporting System) using the IP FTE and Base Budget report located in the Budget/Summary menu. The precise timing of the extraction should not be important however units must select a period after all salary and benefit increases for the current year have been transferred. This date will be communicated to users when it has occurred. (Note for 2007/2008 this date has occurred so the base may be selected at anytime from the FRS 2006/2007 IP FTE and Base Budget report. Be sure to note the effective date of the transfer and enter it at the top of the Base column.
Step 2: Identify the general sources of the PIF and CPCI contributions on the appropriate worksheet
While the precise multi year amount has not been calculated planners may use the current years number as a proxy for the amounts. Both of these are base adjustments. While the precise position or expense/revenue line need not be identified units should identify the category (line object both dollars and FTES if applicable) on the worksheet e.g., Regular Full-time (RFT) Faculty, Operating etc. Units should not simply “plug” the number in a line – no negative lines should appear on the templates unless they are revenues/recoveries or a planned transfer from other funds
Step 3: Prepare plans for request(s) for PIF funding
These templates should be detailed and well documented, reflecting the best estimates for the college/division for proposals requesting funding from the PIF. While they are not approved budgets they will form the basis of the budget proposal and subsequent funding transfer IF approved and the college/division will be held accountable for the use of these funds based on this proposal. There is only one worksheet tab entitled “Allocation from PIF” however one or more of the “spares” provided may be used (renamed) for multiple PIF submissions.
Step 4: Prepare notes
Notes should be entered that detail the assumptions for each line item on every page of the template. The notes are the key to the documentation of assumptions. This is critical for the communication of college/division plans
Step 5: Attach the completed templates
The completed Template will be included as part of the Integrated Plan for the College/Division