Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Determination and strategy of Strategic Area

- Determination of KWS Strategic Policy
Improved area function for the defense and state security.

accommodate national policy of strategic areas with specific functions of defense and security as stipulated in RTRWN.

- Determination of KWS Strategic Policy
Development and improvement of regional function in the development of a productive economy, efficient, and able to compete in the economy national and international.

  1. develop a center-based growth potential of natural resources and seed cultivation activities as a major driver of regional development;
  2. creating a conducive investment climate;
  3. manage natural resources so as not to exceed the carrying capacity and carrying capacity of the region;
  4. manage the negative impacts of aquaculture activities so as not to degrade the quality of the environment and the efficiency of the region;
  5. intensify promotion of investment opportunities;
  6. improving infrastructure services and means of supporting economic activity.

- Determination of KWS Strategic Policy
The utilization of natural resources and / or high technology optimally to improve the welfare of society.
  1. develop activities supporting and / or derivative activities of resource utilization and / or high technology;
  2. improve the relevance of resource utilization and / or high technology to support activities and / or their derivatives;
  3. prevent negative impacts of natural resource utilization and / or high technology to the environmental functions, and community safety.

 - Determination of KWS Strategic Policy
Preservation and improvement of indigenous social and cultural

   1. preserve the application of Papuan cultural values;
2. preserve indigenous cultural heritage sites in Papua.
- Determination of KWS Strategic Policy
Preservation and enhancement of conservation areas designated as world heritage, biosphere reserves and Ramsar.

   1. preserving the authenticity of the physical as well as maintaining the balance of its ecosystem;
  2. improve the national tourism;
3. develop science and technology;
4. preserve the environmental sustainability
5. management of valuable areas important for biodiversity.

- Determination of KWS Strategic Policy
Development of lagging regions to reduce the gap levels of development antarkawasan

- strategy
  1. open access and improve accessibility between the left and central regions of growth areas;
  2. develop infrastructure and means of supporting economic activity;
  3. improve community access to sources of financing;
  4. improve quality and human resource capacity in the management of economic activities
  5. encourage and develop educational facilities and infrastructures
  6. encourage and Develop health facilities and infrastructure.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


It has been argued that community self-reliance in rural development is essentially a development of, by and for the community. Development must be beneficial for the greater community and can take place with the best. Therefore the implementation of development should adhere to the principle or principles, as follows:
1. Compliance with the problems and needs of the community.
2. Direct benefit to the local community.
3. Utilization of local resources and potential.
4. Openness and accountable management.
5. Integration of related activities.
6. Continuous and sustained from each activity.
7. Public participation and stakeholders.