Local governments Bulukumba have assets in the form of vacant land area of ± 11,440 m2. Land was the former location of Central Market in Kota Bulukumba that since 9 years ago have been relocated. Since then the land is abandoned without any significant use for the increase in revenue (PAD) or to the social community in Bulukumba. This study aims to determine the type best use for land at the former location of Central Market the City Bulukumba.
The analysis was performed in the Highest and Best Use of Principle (Highest and Best Use) by using 4 criteria that serves as a means of testing the feasibility of each alternative use of the lets. Eligibility criteria is the Law (legally permissible), Physical Feasibility (physically possible), Financial Feasibility (financially feasible) and Maximum Productivity (maximally productive). To determine the best utilization, the indicator used is the market value of land with the assumption that the highest market value of all land use were analyzed, will show the best use of land.
The results showed that there are 3 alternative utilization of the elected majority government and society Bulukumba namely: to build a shopping center, build a multipurpose building and build a hotel. Of all the possible alternatives are then chosen as an alternative to build a shopping center on land the best utilization of the former location of the central market in Kota Bulukumba land market value of Rp. 2.000.000, - / m2.
Role Bulukumba significant in supporting the growth of South Sulawesi, has prompted increased activity the exchange of goods and services in the area. This has implications for the increasing need for the location of transactions that can accommodate community activities in the field of trade. Therefore, by the year 1998 Local Government Bulukumba decided to move to a location Central Market Bulukumba
Re-location plot of land was left vacant as a Government-owned assets with a strategic new location. Various alternative land uses former central market location in the City Bulukumba which will provide benefits in the economic and social fields can basically be carried out. However, until now the land is not utilized. This is certainly not in line with the spirit of regional autonomy that encourages optimization of assets to increase revenue (PAD).
Nevertheless, these land uses should be studied carefully. Before settled on an alternative would require in-depth analysis with the appropriate method and put forward the participation of all elements that play a role as stakeholders (stakeholders) which will come into contact with the facility to be built on the site. Based on the above explanation, it is deemed necessary to provide input to the government Bulukumba in determining the best use of land to optimize the benefits of the former location of Central Market in the City Bulukumba.