Saturday, August 22, 2009

District strategic Area Development Strategy ( KSK )

In general, the actual problem in the development of KSK is the absence of clear direction regarding the KSK development strategy, both short and medium term. The preparation of this strategy has been mandated in the document Minutes Of Discusslon (MOD) JBIC Loan Agreement Loan LP-543 Indonesian Government signed with Japan Bank for International Corporation (JBIC) on 14 November 2006. In the MOD stated that for the development of KSK needs a national strategy and guide the development of KSK which will become a reference for local governments during the period of 5 years. This document outlines includes 3 aspects, namely: area (master plan), commodities and businesses (business plan), as well as institutional and financing (institutional and financing plan). Area Development Strategy is the formulation of medium-term development approach to the region, based on field studies and review of the KSK and documents related to spatial planning, (RTRWP, RTRWK), regional development policy (Renstrada Propeda, etc.) as well as other sectoral policies. This strategy includes the provision of regional infrastructure such as regional planning, infrastructure development center, and construction of infrastructure facilities KSK (upstream subsystem, the subsystem-farm, downstream processing subsystem, subsystem downstream marketing, and supporting subsystems.)
Commodity Development Strategy and Business include:
a) intensification of agricultural land
b) provision of agricultural inputs horticulture plantation fisheries, and livestock
c) improving the quality of commodities and marketing;
d) human resource development; and
e) institutional development.
Institutional development and financing strategies include:
a. increasing the role of government as facilitator of development
b. increasing community participation and private;
c. ad-hoc institutional development manager KSK; and
d. community assistance

Substance Documents RPJM KSK

Substance RPJM KSK at least contain the following: general description (coverage of functional and administrative regions, sectors and types of commodities), commodity development and business analysis (scale of production, supply chain and business, marketing pattern of capital and technology), analysis of regional development (physical condition, structure space, space utilization patterns, an indication of the development area of the map scale, and duration of the plan), institutional analysis and financing, policy and strategy development KSK, and development plans of KSK-related stages of development programs and annual events, as well as indicators of success.

Institutional Analysis and Institutional Financing includes KSK (the role of Government and local government, private, community, and manager of KSK ) and other sources of financing (APBN, APBD, government and private cooperation, private investment, and government organizations).


In conclusion it would need to be reiterated that the KSK in accordance with Law No. 26 of 2007 is an excellent area established under the strategic value of the region. To realize the area really well integrated in terms of regions, commodities and business, as well as institutional and financing, the Bappenas as PNPM-PISEW Coordinating Agency should develop guidance on the technical steps that must be done local government from choosing the location of the establishment until the preparation of Development Plan - her. Giving this guide does not connote an impressive top-down central intervention in the development of the KSK. The existence of this would be a learning guide for Local Government, like the adage "Once grabbed oars, two-three islands exceeded." First, to review local policies related to determining the location of KSK in 2008. Second, the CWC can develop a structured Development Plan document systematic and accommodative to various development activities proposed by KSK, so it will be more focus directs the various sources of financing and a variety of roles among levels of government and business world and society during the period of 5 years.
The three when KSK PNPM-PISEW well developed and considered successful, the Local Government can set it as the KSK as mandated by Law No. 26 of 2007. Clearly manual or guide is needed to know how (how to) start some activity 'Start something right will determine how far the level of success.

Friday, August 14, 2009

recycling and composting waste

Recycling using the principle of 2-R 3-R → use again (reuse) and recycling (recycle).1. Using BackThe presumption of garbage (not useful) → object that can be recovered without going through the process of production.
2. RecyclingUsed as industrial raw materials (raw material) in the production process (reprocessing and remanufacture) → experiencing changes in both form and function.
  1. Helping ease the burden on urban waste management;
  2. In terms of the social community, to enhance community participation in the management of municipal waste and increase family income;
  3. Potential to reduce urban environmental pollution;
  4. Help conserve natural resources;
  5. Generate new resources from waste.