Friday, January 29, 2010


Butiran salju perlahan mulai menipis

Lukisan jiwa berubah warna

Hembusan angin bersiur merdu

gugusan kala berukir makna

Banyak jejak ditampakkan


Jauh jalan yang terbentang

Kini tak terbuang tak berarti

Mulai tipis tersapu debu

Bisikan hangat memeluk hidup

Waktu kini mengukir

Mulailah disapu alam

Kegelapan menjadi nada

Di persimpangan

Di saat kepastian

Denting-denting datang


rasa jiwa menjadi makam


Friday, January 22, 2010


Walt Disney: If you dream it cans, cans you make it.
Peter Drucker: The question facing the strategic planning is not what should be done tomorrow, but what should be done today to face the uncertainties of tomorrow
STRATEGY is the most effective way and efficient way to achieve the goals and objectives according to the vision and mission of the organization, which reflects the main activities / projects that will be done. Containing elements: plan, activity, direction of activities and results of activities. The result of the strategic planning process.

vision is a picture of the future that you want to accomplish. desired condition is the goal of an activity from the development plan or a program. vision is very important in providing direction in determining a clearer purpose. purpose of development will be achieved and measurable if the vision which is set clear and reasonable. other than that the vision should be an innovation which is expected to more ideal conditions than current conditions. in achieving the goals of this vision, there must be a strategy to achieve it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Environmental Approach

Approach ecology / environment is an approach based on the interactions that occur in the environment. Ecological approach in geography with regard to the relationship of human life with its physical environment. Spatial interaction from a system known as Ecosystems. One theory in the approach or analysis is the theory of environmental ecology.Geography regarding the interrelation between human life and physical factors that form a spatial system which connects a region with other regions. The ecology, human ecology particularly with regard to the interrelation between humans and the environment that form the ecological system or ecosystem.

In the ecological analysis, we tried to examine the interaction between humans and the environment is the third in a region or a specific space. In environmental geography, environmental approach has an important role to understand the phenomenon geosfera. In this approach the emphasis is no longer in existence of space, but the link between certain geosfera phenomenon with the existing environment variables. In the environmental approach, a framework of analysis does not link the relationship between living beings with the natural environment alone, but must also be associated with:

(1) covered the phenomenon in which natural phenomena and their physical relics of human action.
(2) human behavior that include the development of ideas and values of geographical and environmental awareness.

In systematics Kirk indicated the scope of environmental geography as follows. Environmental geography has two aspects, namely the environmental behavior (behavior environment) and environmental phenomena (phenomena of environment). Environmental behavior involves two aspects, namely the development of values and ideas, and environmental awareness. There are two important aspects in the development of values and ideas of geography, the cultural environment of ideas of geography, economic and social processes and changes in environmental values. In an important environmental awareness is changing the natural environment of human knowledge.

Environmental phenomena includes two aspects, namely physical relics of human actions and natural phenomena. Relic physical human action includes placing the order and the human environment as an agent of environmental change.Environmental phenomena including organic products and processes, including population and inorganic products and processes.

Depth study of the interrelation between the phenomena of certain geosphere in formal areas with environmental variables is then considered a hallmark of the environmental approach. The six questions of geography was always accompany any form of geographic analysis. Systematics can be described as follows.

The general framework of analysis environmental approach can be exemplified as follows. The problem that occurs is flooding and landslides in some places. To study the flood with the environmental approach to begin with actions as follows.

(1) identify the physical conditions at the location where the occurrence of floods and landslides. In the identification also needs to be done in depth, including identifying the type of soil, topography, plants, and animals that live in that location. (2) identify ideas, attitudes and behavior of local communities in managing natural at that location. (3) identify the culture systems developed to meet the necessities of life (way of planting, irrigation, etc.). (4) analyze the relationship between culture system with the results and impact. (5) seek alternative solutions for problems that occur.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Territorial Approach

the territorial approach, which reviewed about the spread of the phenomenon, styles and problems in the spatial, the interaction between human beings and the variable physical environment variables that are interrelated and influence each other. This approach is a spatial and environmental approach, the study is a combination of both.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Attorney Public Official

It is common for attorneys to seek part-time public office while still maintaining a private law practice. This situation presents yet another layer of ethical dilemmas for the lawyer/public official and for members of the lawyer's firm. The Arizona Supreme Court addressed conflicts in the Code of Professional Responsibility which on one hand encourages lawyers to engage in public service, but on the other hand contains numerous "oppressive restrictions" on such involvement. [FN29] 
The facts in the opinion under review were as follows:
Attorney P was elected to City B's city council, which is a part-time position. The City B council has the power to hire and fire the city court magistrates and the city attorney. The city attorney serves as the chief legal advisor to the council, the city manager, and all city departments, offices, agencies and represents the city in all legal proceedings. While the opinion addressed a number of potential representation scenarios for Attorney P and his firm, one question reviewed by the court was, "Are members of the firm prohibited from appearing before the various city boards, such as planning and zoning and the board of adjustment?" While the Committee on Professional Conduct answered this question in the affirmative, the court responded with a qualified "no." [FN30] 
The court cautioned that attorneys must exercise care to avoid the appearance of impropriety and stressed that when in doubt, the question should be resolved on the side of the stated ethical consideration. [FN31]
An opinion of the Florida Attorney General held that the state constitutional prohibition on dual office holding did not apply to an attorney who served as the chair of the county planning commission and who was hired during the same time to represent the county charter review commission. [FN32] The Attorney General based his opinion on the belief that the attorney's representation of the charter review commission constituted employment and not office holding. [FN33]
It is not uncommon for lawyer public officials to participate in government decision making and then, after the fact, be approached by a potential new client who happened to have appeared before the board to handle a matter. Where less than forty-eight hours after the city council voted on a zoning reclassification for certain land developers the developers then sought to retain a lawyer council member to represent them on matters including incorporation, the Washington Supreme Court held that under the "appearance of fairness" doctrine the attorney public official must decline the representation. [FN34]

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


All research reports use roughly the same format. It doesn't matter whether you've done a customer satisfaction survey, an employee opinion survey, a health care survey, or a marketing research survey. All have the same basic structure and format. The rationale is that readers of research reports (i.e., decision makers, funders, etc.) will know exactly where to find the information they are looking for, regardless of the individual report.

Once you've learned the basic rules for research proposal and report writing, you can apply them to any research discipline. The same rules apply to writing a proposal, a thesis, a dissertation, or any business research report.
The most commonly used style for writing research reports is called "APA" and the rules are described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Any library or bookstore will have it readily available. The style guide contains hundreds of rules for grammar, layout, and syntax. This paper will cover the most important ones.

Avoid the use of first person pronouns. Refer to yourself or the research team in third person. Instead of saying "I will ..." or "We will ...", say something like "The researcher will ..." or "The research team will ...".
A suggestion: Never present a draft (rough) copy of your proposal, thesis, dissertation, or research paper...even if asked. A paper that looks like a draft, will interpreted as such, and you can expect extensive and liberal modifications. Take the time to put your paper in perfect APA format before showing it to anyone else. The payoff will be great since it will then be perceived as a final paper, and there will be far fewer changes.