Sunday, December 26, 2010

Develop the concept of Spatial Economic region

In the discussion of regional problems are the use of various terms. There are some authors (of whom Boudeville) use spatial terms, although between the region and there are spatial but not substantial difference. Regarding the spatial understanding itself turned out not merge because a different view considering that the studies that are multi-discipline area (of Earth Sciences, Economics, Social Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and others). so the spatial structure have many different terms.

Spatial structure can be interpreted as a traditional environment of human life, have provisions and its own ability to regulate the activities of its inhabitants, and even the spatial structure is considered as one of the goals of development. logically and historically, according Boudeville spatial structure can be divided into three terms, namely spatial economics, spatial geographic region, and spatial mathematics. The concept of spatial economics has a more operational sense, for example associated with capital investment, transport networks, industrial, and agricultural technologies create new developments, which include the materials of new materials and new rules. The concept of economic spatial layout can be distinguished by geographic region

Earth Sciences experts put humans in the natural environment, contrary economists regard the environment as one of the factors that influence human activities. Spatial geographic area is a three-dimensional spatial structure, while the economic spatial structure is more complex and multi-dimensional nature.

Spatial economy with different spatial mathematics, namely mathematical spatial truly is abstract and has nothing to do with geographic location. if a spatial structure is formed solely by economic variables, the spatial structure is the spatial structure of mathematics, which means that mathematically can happen everywhere, but otherwise the economic spatial structure is the application of economic variables in above for human needs on a geographic spatial, and through a mathematical transformation can be explained the economic process.

In terms of formal relationship development, spatial economics is a field or arena of power (a field of forces), is a spatial polarization, namely as a place where there is a concentration or concentration of economic activities which are relatively large (the factories and corporations) and significantly different than the surrounding areas. In the field of industrial activity can be shown that the greater the gap in terms of productivity levels in urban and in rural areas, which raised the problem of spatial inequality.

In the abstract, spatial economics emphasizes the aspects of convergence process of growth at the spatial points (Perroux). Within the framework of the analysis area, geographic dimension has been put into effect the development center, this means that the spatial economy is very closely related
with a spatial geographic region (Boudeille). According to Friedmann, Development comes at a small number of centers that change lies in the interaction point which has the highest potential; development tends to spread down and out from these centers into the surrounding area who have lower interaction potential, but does not address the problem of optimum site selection industry and does not specify what type of investment also should be established in urban centers, therefore classified as Friedmann theory without spatial structure (spacelesss) as well as the theory of Perroux although the scope of broader review.

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