Friday, March 20, 2009


Long enough not been heard from Regions floating a million hectares of peatland (PLG) In the middle of a crowded Kalimantan province reported in the 1990's interesting to look back in this time region the profile area PLG region is one obvious example of space utilization in relation to sustainability Indonesia's natural environment in accordance with the theme of the publication of this edition of the Space Utilization Harmonization with the efforts of Environmental Conservation.

Area Profile PLG

PLG region is located at the southeastern province of Central Kalimantan, with total area of about 1.4471 million hekter as specified in the ministerial decree number 166/Menhut/Vii/1996 concerning forestry reserve forest area to this area is limited by the river on the western Sebangau. Java Sea to the south, rivers and roads on the east side barito Palangkaraya - Buntok north

Administratively, most of the area PLG entry in Kapuas district (43%) and the district returned the knife (42%) and the remainder included in Palangkaraya city and district Barito PLG southern region is divided into five blocks with an area which is different as indicated in table 1 and figure 1

PLG region including the freshwater tidal area in addition to several sections in block D which is an area of brackish tidal rivers that pass through some of these areas include river barito kapur Kahajan river river river Sebangau mengkatif. Land area of PLG in the form of peat soil with a depth varying from the thickness of shallow to very deep (more than 28 feet) thick spread of peat with more than three meters are dominant in block C partially blocked A and B based on the thickness of the peat land area enter the bloc each region PLG can be seen in Table 2


The development of this region begins with the issuance of Presidential Decree number 82 of 1995 on the development of peatlands for agriculture crops was the province of Kalimantan. The main purpose of such determination is to convert the peat swamp forests (wet land) into rice fields in order to maintain rice self-sufficiency that has been achieved in 1984. But the opening program known as peatlands are not following the rules kidah planning, giving rise to some negative impact from the social environment ekomoni which resulted in termination of a million hectares of peat land was marked by the issuance of Presidential Decree number 80 of 1990 on general guidelines for planning and management of a million hectares of peatland development in Central Kalimantan

At the time of termination of the field in the ETC has been there Transmigran population originating either from the local community (local) or from outside the island of Kalimantan, about 17,953 houses have been built in 43 settlements tenasmigrasi units (UPT) in the village Lamunti Dadahup, and Palingkuh overall have blocked A 15 594 families who moved this kearea then reduced to 54% to 8.487 families live by the year 2006. proportion of families who moved unevenly in 43 UPT UPT that is 17 there are 50% of the families who settled these diarea while on 8 UPT about 33% indigenous population has moved and settled there UPT left by their inhabitants are found along the river dadahup barito and regions lamuti near the Kapuas River

Also has built a network infrastructure, among others, form a network of canals with a length of 4,400 km at the same time increasingly severe environmental conditions, indicated by frequent forest fires due to decreased levels of peat water and flood events during the rainy season due to reduced ability of peatlands in the sink in the water other than that illegal logging in forest areas is increasingly widespread because open access and availability of canal aqueducts to carry timber. In terms of the existing infrastructure is still inadequate perceived low level of comfort, causing residents to live in settlements PLG

These conditions mainly concern the condition of the existing population pushed various rehabilitation efforts from various relevant agencies. But in practice these efforts will be done in less organized so as to provide less than optimal outcome of this case, among others, indicated by the field conditions at the time of the editorial team's visit to the region that is the area Dadahup PLG

In this region there are inhabitants of settlements along both rice farms, vegetable gardens and manicured moor enough working paper facilities such as schools, health centers, and places of worship are still used there is also an agricultural extension center had just entered the local field extension. Based on the information given agricultural area is good enough even reviewed by President Yudhoyono in 2006 but the problems still perceived by the floods that hamper agricultural activities. Lack of infrastructure distribution of agricultural products directly to markets and lack of manpower to work on existing land. This led to yet maximum agricultural production and low prices of agricultural products offered by collectors that further reduces the interest of the community to settle and manage land PLG. Some residents have been moved or seek another livelihood as construction or road. So most of the land is no longer treated well and left stranded.

Rehabilitation and Revitalisi Regions PLG

The spirit and concern for the rehabilitation and revitalization of a comprehensive and coordinated manner by all parties continued effort and marked by the introduction of the Rehabilitation and revitalization of the region Ex PLG million hectares by the president of Indonesia on August 31, 2006 following the then issued Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2007 on the acceleration of Rehabilitation and Revitalization Development Zone One Million Hectare Peatland in Central Kalimantan, which give instructions to several parties, among others, coordinating minister for the Economy Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Public Works, Minister, Agriculture, Minister of Labour, Home Affairs Minister, Minister of Finance, Minister for the Environment Ministry of Research and Technology Minister of State for National Development Planning Head of Bappenas Governor of Central Kalimantan, Palangkaraya Mayor and Regent Kapuas instructions given above are for each party to take steps in accordance duty and responsibility to accelerate the rehabilitation and revitalization of the area PLG by referring to the program attached to the Presidential Instruction, Forming National Team Rehabilitation and Revitalization PLG synergizing the implementation of the program, commissioned Governor of Central Kalimantan as the responsible implementation of integrated programs in the region include the establishment of the Secretariat of PLG in Palangkaraya to assist the Governor of Central Kalimantan as the responsible implementation of the program The Multiple Activities in the framework of the Acceleration and Revitalization Development area of peatland in Central Kalimantan, called the Instruction Must attachment can be seen in Table 3

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