Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the types of Scientific Research

Research can be classified / divided into several types based on certain criteria,

among others by:
1. Objectives;
2. Approach;
3. Places;
4. The use or the results / reasons obtained;
5. Disciplines studied;
6. level research;
7. The technique used;
8. Scholarly;
9. Specialization fields (science) plots.

Here are their respective divisions.

1. Based on the results / reasons provided:

a. Basic Research (Basic Research), Having intellectual reasons, in the framework of development of science;
b. Applied Reseach (Applied Research), Having practical reasons, the desire to know; aims to do something better, effective, efficient.

2. Based on the field under study:

a. Social Research, specifically examining the social field: economics, education, law, etc..
b. Exact research, specifically examining the field of exact sciences: Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, etc..

3. Based on Place of Research:

a. Field Research (Field Research), directly in the field;
b. Research Library (Research Library), implemented by using the literature (literature) from previous research;
c. Research Laboratory (Research Laboratory), implemented in a particular place / lab, usually experimental or trial;

4. Based on the technique used:

1. Survey Research (Survey Research), does not make a change (no special treatment) to the variables studied.
2. Experiment Research (Experimental Research), made the change (no special treatment) to the variables studied.

5. Based on the scholarly:

1. Scientific Research

Using scientific rules (put forward the main points of the mind, concluded with through a systematic procedure using scientific proof / convincing.

There are two criteria in determining the degree / level of scientific quality of research, namely:
1. The ability to provide a clear understanding of the issues under study:
2. The ability to predict: the extent to which the same conclusion can be achieved when the same data found in the place / another time;

The characteristics of scientific research are:

1. Purposiveness, focus on clear objectives;
2. Rigor, thorough, has a basic theory and methodology of good design;
3. Testibility, clear hypothesis testing procedures
4. Replicability, testing can be repeated for the same case or the like;
5. Objectivity, Based on the facts of the actual data: not subjective and emotional;
6. Generalizability, The larger the scope of use of the more useful results;
7. Precision, confidence Approaching the realities and opportunities of the estimated incidence can be seen;
8. Parsimony, simplicity in the presentation of issues and research methods.

2. Non-scientific research (not using the method or scientific principles.)

1. Based Specialization fields (science) plots: Business (Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing), Communication (Mass, Business, Public Relations / PR, Advertising), Law (Civil, Criminal, constitutional, international), Agriculture (Agribusiness, Agronomy, Aquaculture Plant, Pest Plant), Engineering, Economics (Micro, Macro, Development), etc..
2. Based on the presence of variable (change): variables are things that become objects of research, the staring, which shows both quantitative and qualitative variation. Variables: past, present, future. Research conducted by explaining / describing variables past and present (is happening) is a descriptive study (to DESCRIBE = disclose / describe). Research conducted on the future variable is experimental research.
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