Thursday, April 16, 2009

research objectives

In general there are four main objectives:

1. Explorative (Discovery): to find something new in a particular field.
2. Verification (testing): testing the truth of something in a field that already exist
3. Developmental (Development): to develop something in a field that already exist
4. Writing Worksheets (Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation)


1. Troubleshooting,
2. improve the ability to interpret the phenomena of a complex issue and each hook;
3. Providing answers to questions posed in the field,
4. improve the ability to explain or describe the phenomena of the problem;
5. Getting the knowledge / new science:

1. Following the scientific concept
2. Systematic / specific pattern
3. Planned

The research is quite good when:
1. Purposiveness, a clear objective;
2. Exactitude, done with caution, careful, meticulous;
3. Testability, can be tested or reviewed;
4. Replicability, can be replicated by other researchers;
5. Precision and Confidence, Having accuracy and confidence in relation to the population or sample;
6. Objectivity, are objective;
7. Generalization, general Applicable;
8. Parismony, Efficient, is not excessive;
9. Consistency, the data / expression used should always be the same for the word / phrase that has the same meaning;
10. Coherency, There is an intertwined relationship between one part with another part.
Read phonetically

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