Tuesday, April 14, 2009

general research

1. Research Survey:

To obtain the facts from the existing symptoms;
a. Looking for a factual description of a group, etc area.
b. Conducting evaluation and comparison of things that other people have done in dealing with similar things;
- Conducted on a number of individuals / units both in the census or sample basis;
- The results for manufacturing planning and decision making;

This research can be:

a. Explorative research (assessment). Open, searching, knowledge of researchers about the problems examined are still limited. The question in this exploratory study such as: What is the most worry you in terms of infrastructure in the area of West Kalimantan in the past five years? In your opinion, how to care infrastructure of good roads and bridges.
b. Descriptive Research. Studying the problem in society, the applicable ordinances in communities and situations, attitudes, views, ongoing process, the influence of a phenomenon, a careful measurement of the phenomenon in society. Researchers develop concepts, gather the facts, but did not test the hypothesis.
c. Research Evaluation. Looking for answers about the achievement of the goals outlined earlier. Here include formative evaluations (see and examine the implementation of the program), summative (conducted at the end of the program to measure the achievement of objectives).
d. Research explanation (explanation). Using the same data, explain the causal relationship between variables by testing the hypothesis.
e. Prediction Research. Predicting phenomena or certain circumstances;
f. Social Development Research. Developed based on a survey conducted periodically: Eg: Number and Percentage of Poor in West Kalimantan, 1998-2003;

2. Grounded Research

Basing themselves on facts and use comparative analysis; aimed hold empirical generalization, define concepts, to prove the theory, developed the theory, data collection and analysis at the same time. In this research data is a source of theory, theory based on the data. Characteristics: The data source is a source of theory and hypothesis, theory to explain the data after the data parsed.

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